
Lieve allemaal, ik doe mee met onderstaand portret van mijn zoon aan de portretwedstrijd: ‘Gezichten van Noord Holland’.

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Bij voorbaat heel veel dank.  Lieve groet Greet



This golden portrait is a tribute to my son Wolf who took his own life at 12-01-2024, at the age of 22.
This object is a trophy, an urn, a candleholder and a portrait in one.
Like many young people today, he had difficulty with life, which seemed to place so many demands on him.
The portrait depicts my son: a loving Amsterdam child who, as a child:
let snails crawl on his face, loved salamanders and was inseparable from his rat: Ciske.
As an adult he wore a cap and a chain necklace.
The frog on his cap appeared at the place where he was found.